Interviul poate fi citit în întregime aici.
Huang Qi este un blogger militant chinez care a creat un site unde denunţã abuzurile fãcute de autoritãţile chineze care îi sunt aduse la cunoștinţã de victimele sistemului.
The first thing is we have to get the information out. You have to understand that the public security and government agencies are monitoring our site. They read it. News services too. After we publish, it’ll get the attention of the relevant authorities. So we have to send it out and then people can learn about it. That’s how we do it.
…in the early 2000s, you started having people who own property that was being expropriated by the government. The big change now is that middle-class people have entered human rights work. It’s no longer just a few intellectuals or dispossessed poor people. This has pushed our work forward incredibly.
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