Dacã nu știţi cine e Alan Moore, atunci asociaţi-l cu asta și rezolvaţi problema:
Despre benzi desenate:
I feel that if we only see comics in relationship to movies, then the best that they will ever be are films that do not move.
I decided that what might be useful was to try and link up the elements of fantasy horror from our imaginations, werewolves, vampires, zombies, and the like, with real life horrors, racism, sexism, pollution, the collapse of the environment, and thus lend these social issues some of the weight that fantasy fiction could offer. Most of us have little to fear from vampires. And yet we live in cultures that are every bit as dangerous despite the non-existence of terrible supernatural forces.
Despre celebritate:
I realized that I was becoming a celebrity, which was nothing I’d ever expected, given that comic writer was about the most obscure profession in the world when I actually entered the job. The thing about fame is that fame in its current sense had not really existed before the 20th century. […] In the 20th century however, with these massive surges in communication, suddenly a different sort of fame was possible. And I tend to think that what fame has done it has replaced the sea as the element of choice of adventure for young people. […] in the 20th century you might decide that you want to run away and form a pop band. The difference is that in the 19th century, before running away to sea, you would have at least some understanding of what the element was that you were dealing with and you would have perhaps, say, learned to swim. The thing is that there is no manual for how to cope with fame, so you’ll get some otherwise likeable young person who has done one good comic book, one good film, one good record, who is suddenly told that they are a genius and who believes it and who runs out sort of laughing and splashing into the billows of celebrity and whose heroin sodden corpse is washed up a few weeks later in the shallows of the tabloids.
Despre magicienii lumii moderne:
On my fortieth birthday, rather than merely bore my friends by having anything as mundane as a midlife crisis, I decided that it might actually be more interesting to actually terrify them by going completely mad and declaring myself a magician. […] it seemed to be a logical end step in my career as a writer […] if you suddenly declare yourself to be a magician without any knowledge of what that entails, then one day you are likely to wake up and to discover that is exactly what you are.
Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images, to achieve changes in consciousness. […]And I believe this is why an artist or writer is the closest thing in the contemporary world that you are likely to see to a shaman.
A magician might curse you. That might make your hands lay funny or you might have a child born with a club foot. If a bard were to place not a curse upon you, but a satire, then that could destroy you.
Writers and people who had command of words were respected and feared as people who manipulated magic. In latter times I think that artists and writers have allowed themselves to be sold down the river. They have accepted the prevailing belief that art, that writing are merely forms of entertainment. They’re not seen as transformative forces that can change a human being, that can change a society. They are seen as simple entertainment, things with which we can fill 20 minutes, half an hour while we’re waiting to die. It is not the job of artists to give audience what the audience want. If the audience knew what they needed, then they would not be the audience. They would be the artists. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need.
Despre pornografie:
There is a brain-penis-blood ratio that tends to get in the way of writing intelligent pornography. If it becomes too intelligent all the blood rushes through your brain, you lose your erection. If it becomes too sexually exciting, you are no longer in any state to appreciate its aesthetic value.
There is no reason why a horny piece of literature that is purely about sex could not be as beautiful, as meaningful and have as absorbing characters as any other piece of fiction.
The substance that has most effect upon our culture and upon our lives is completely invisible. We can only see its effects. This substance is information.
I was reading recently that people from the cutting edge of quantum physics believe that information is a “super weird substance” […] which underlies everything in the universe, which is more fundamental than gravity, or electro-magnetism or the two nuclear forces.